Even though COVID-19 is impacting the construction industry, things are still moving forward. But while it seems the show is going on, that doesn’t mean construction firms can simply return to the status quo. For the construction industry to continue to recover, and the workforce to stay healthy, preventative measures need to be administered and adopted as seamlessly as possible.

The limitations of using QR Codes
One helpful preventative measure is the implementation of QR codes. However, while QR codes can help make some processes on the job site touch/germ-free, QR codes alone aren’t a comprehensive solution. Here are some of the challenges QR codes may present.
Older Phones Can’t Always Scan QR Codes
Although QR code technology permeates many popular apps, it’s possible to progress through your day-to-day tasks without them. For this reason, many people maintain older phones without QR code-scanning tech.
Some Workers Are Prohibited from Personal Phone Use
Some employers, particularly some unions, don’t allow workers to use their personal smartphones on the job site. The majority of construction workers are not issued company-paid work phones. If employees have a work phone, it is typically the supervisors that have them so that still leaves the majority of the workforce being asked to use their personal phones.
A More Comprehensive Solution
To have a truly contact-free work environment, it’s important to limit close-up, face-to-face interaction as much as possible. Traditionally, a contractor or foreman has to go to the job site and manage, or even micro-manage, the subcontractors doing the work. Not only is this time-consuming and often a waste of human resources, but also in the COVID-19 era it could result in unnecessary risk. In some cases, excess contact may result in the local government shutting down the job altogether.
In addition to limiting contact, a comprehensive solution helps make every aspect of worksite management more efficient and user-friendly. With LinkedField’s all-in-one tool contractors have the power to:
- Register new workers quickly — in less than 80 seconds
- Sign in existing workers with a mobile phone - less than 10 seconds
- Sign in using a mobile device such as an iPad with offline mode if workers can’t use their phones onsite - less than 10 seconds
- Sign in using a pre-populated digital roster, so workers don’t have to have the mobile capability when they arrive - less than 10 seconds
Enhanced Safety Features
According to the CDC, one way to help workers feel comfortable during this pandemic is to provide consistent daily routines. A comprehensive job site management solution integrates safety features into each worker’s routine, providing them with a sense of security and comfort. Using LinkedField contractors will be able to:
- Provide digital passes to workers after screening them that indicate whether or not they need additional screening
- Identify and highlight workers needing additional screening so managers can see who needs what at a moment’s glance
- Perform contact tracing both online and offline from anywhere
- Automatically categorize and highlight workers needing additional screening
- Receive or send text notifications to a point of contact
- Customize screening questions or use the four that come from the CDC
To ensure everything goes smoothly, it’s also important to have a dedicated support team for COVID-19 compliance, as well as 24-hour global engineering support, both available with LinkedField. Also, when the local or national government changes its guidelines, the support team should be able to update their protocol. With this feature, contractors always have the latest safety information and the support they need to make implementation easier.
Even though QR codes can address a few important issues, a productive, safe, and compliant job site needs more. Intelligent workforce management by LinkedField can help free up valuable time while making sure the job site remains a safe place for everyone involved.