Frequently asked questions

What happens when my Project is ending?

As your project comes to an end you can contact LinkedField and we will come up with a closeout plan and stop your invoices. Our closeout team will make sure you have all the data you need, and take whatever information/customizations to your next job.

Do you have a limit on workers/ visitors?

No, projects big and small can use LinkedField without worrying about the number of workers/visitors signing in each day. Our pricing plan is based on the features we offer and the number of licenses your team needs

When do I have to decide on the plan?

During your first month, you can use all the features that LinkedField has to offer. At the end of your first month a customer service representative will reach out and help you choose a plan that is right for your project team.

Why have a free product?

LinkedField wants to help keep construction workers healthy and safe. When safety and field managers have an easy way to keep track of all the workers on-site, they have more time to focus on their jobs. COVID-19 essentials free is our way of giving back to the construction community.

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