When Bethany Garcia (Project Engineer) went back to work in May, her Vance Brown Builders Construction team was faced with challenges to meet Santa Clara County’s COVID-19 requirements. The Brokaw Phase 2 Project, is the 2nd largest project in San Jose (by square footage), and has over 300 workers on-site daily.

Bethany collated a mega spreadsheet with separate tabs for each subcontractor, and their crew working on the project. She would collate the roster of workers, print out the rosters, and Vance Brown personnel would check off workers at the gate on paper, ask health screening questions and keep track of the time signing in and signing out each day. The paperwork would flow back to Bethany and she would spend hours at the end of her day to collate the daily attendance log for COVID-19 compliance.
With the large number of workers and subcontractors on-site, Bethany rolled out LinkedField to each sub-foreman over the course of 1 week. She got each foreman comfortable with the QR code based system, so they could help their own crews sign in each day.

“Project teams using paperwork were staggering subcontractor start times to avoid check-in lines and maintain social distancing requirements amongst workers.” said Kevin Cheng, LinkedField CEO. “LinkedField’s QR Code system takes 10 seconds for workers to sign in each day, so all workers can enter the jobsite in the same time window. Large project teams can check in hundreds of workers within minutes, and keep the whole workforce safe.”
This took the pressure off Vance Brown personnel, and put the responsibility on the sub-foreman for each of their crews. Subcontractors would go through the daily attendance log and health screening process in huddles in the parking lot, or workers would open a bookmarked weblink and complete the process before they got to the jobsite.
“LinkedField saved my sanity in 2020!”, said Vance Brown’s Project Engineer Bethany Garcia. “With the Santa Clara County COVID-19 guidelines, we had to figure out a way to track everyone coming in and out of the jobsite. Overnight, we were tasked to come up with a way to meet these regulations while not disturbing our construction productivity. LinkedField became an extremely helpful tool in eliminating this headache and was able to keep us focused on our end goal.”
With LinkedField’s QR code based system, Bethany and the Vance Brown team were able to save hours in paperwork each day, and have a digital set of records for the whole team to use.